The Continuing battle of Good vs Evil
Though many years have passed since the seven Xok Knights defeated Black Dragon Nibles and its subordinate Killianee, the world has once again become a fiery battleground, as Sir Gole- the messenger of God- had prophesied. The races again marched into battle against one another as the acrid smells of the last war still hung in the air. The Xok Knights and their descendants- the new heroes- marched against their ancient enemies to satisfy their own ambitions.
The nation of Azillia, founded by Keithr, was one of the most prosperous in Bersiah, but found its very existence threatened because of disagreement over who would next ascend to the throne. Red Ogres had conquered the old Hextor area, and humans were left to gather whatever bits of information they could. But because all human nations, except Azillia, were suffering in the chaotic aftermath of the last war, they were powerless to react as Hextor prepared to wage battle once again.
Enter Rick Blood- "The Ruler of Darkness". Possessed with great strength and the power of the magic of Darkness, Blood quickly subdued the Race of Darkness, defeated Hextor, and subjugated Vellond- the nation of Vampires- under his control.
Each mission in KUF is played according to the memoir of a single leader as a reliving of his particular experience. As the mission unfolds, the truth about the last war is revealed, little-by-little, as are the relationships between heroes. Each mission contains detailed RPG-type events with action and dialogue, creating an immersive gaming experience. Human Alliance missions are played first, followed by the stories of each hero and, finally, Dark Legion missions. This final mission is the most complex, as events are sparked and resolutions reached by different heroes, each in turn.